An Educator's Light
Being an educator today is a monumental task. We are asked to fill many roles—teacher, parent, nurse, counselor. At the same time, most of us are bombarded with new initiatives, changing leadership, and shifting visions. Yet, God has placed us where we are for a reason. We are called to let our light shine. This journal is only meant to be a starting place.
A place to write your thoughts and reflections as the Holy Spirit speaks to you through God’s Word.
A place to commit to God’s promptings.
A place to thank Him for who He is and what He is doing in your life.
A place to become more like Jesus.
This journal is organized for a 10 week time period to provide encouragement and support during a typical school year. The following acrostic based on Matthew 5:16 will be our guide: Love, Instruct, Glorify, Harvest, Thank. Each week will include the components listed below.
Bible Passages
God’s Word must be our guiding light. 2 Timothy 3:16-17(NIV) tells us, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” Apart from God’s Word, we have no direction.
Acrostic Reminder
While reading the passage, listen to what God is speaking to you. The acrostic (LIGHT) taken from Matthew 5:16 is intended to be a guide. However, If His voice leads you in a different direction, by all means go there. God has an individual word for each of us when we take time to be still and listen.
Reflection Opportunities
Take time to write down your thoughts. How are you feeling? What is God saying to you? Talk to God during this time. Share your frustrations, your hopes, your questions with Him. He is listening. Take action. What is God asking you to DO today? Don’t fall into the trap of thinking if the “DO” isn’t a huge task, it isn’t important. Simply be obedient to what God has placed on your heart. Obedience is how we show God we love him. It isn’t a “have to”, it is a “want to”. God only wants what is best for us. Being obedient is the best thing we can do.
This is a journal for educators. There has to be homework! Revisit the journal throughout the week. Record your prayers, thoughts, reflections, questions, and victories!