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Writer's picture: Dr. Jackie MinorDr. Jackie Minor

Because He lives,

I can face tomorrow.

Because He lives,

All fear is gone.

Because I know

He holds the future.

Life is worth the living

Just because He lives!

This old chorus has been playing over and over in my head this week! Why this week? I don’t think it is an accident, do you? It is amazing to me how God uses this old song at just the right time to remind me of what Easter is all about. This song is very special to me in more ways than one. This was one of my dad’s favorites. Every time I hear it, I think about seeing him again. As the song goes on to say, one day death will give way to victory. I look forward to that day, and it’s all because of Easter.

If Easter were only about victory over death, that would be enough, but there is more. Easter is also about victory over our today! After the resurrection, Jesus met with His disciples on multiple occasions. John penned these words about Christ’s many resurrection appearances.

Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name. John 20:30-31

Because Jesus lives—because of his victory over death—those who believe in Him have LIFE. This new life is characterized by a forever relationship with God now and throughout eternity. It is a life defined by victory. This new life starts the minute we accept Christ (John 17:3) and grows until the day He calls us home (1 Corinthians 13:9-12). Christ intends for us to live a full, abundant life in the present. This is possible because He lives (John 10:10)! Easter is the perfect time to remind ourselves of this truth.

As I reflected on the lyrics of this wonderful song, I felt challenged to ponder what God empowers all of us to do because He lives. Easter is the perfect time to take a step back and finish this sentence: “Because He lives, I can…” I will get us started, and then you can add a few of your own thoughts.

Because He lives, I can…

· smile instead of frown.

· choose to see the good in a colleague.

· forgive someone who has hurt me.

· love instead of judge.

· rest instead of worry.

· be strong when I feel weak.

I don’t know what you are facing today. School starts again tomorrow. It will likely be another day filled with uncertainty and challenges. Yet here we are on Easter Sunday being reminded of the victorious LIFE we have because He lives! Christ’s resurrection power is available to all who believe.

What do you need to remind yourself of this Easter? What promises do you need to take hold of? What victories do you need to claim? Take a moment and finish your own sentence.

Because He lives, I can...

Post these reminders on your mirror, write them in your phone, put them on the dashboard of your car, or place them on your desk at school. Do whatever it takes to remind yourself that Easter is about victory. His power is yours because He lives!

Because He lives,

I can face tomorrow.

Because He lives,

All fear is gone.

Because I know

He holds the future.

Life is worth the living

Just because He lives!



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