Over the past month, we have been focusing on embracing our uniqueness and stewarding our gifts. Last week, Vern Minor tackled the commonly avoided topic of stewarding our finances through an open and honest interview. Here we are now, approaching Giving Tuesday.

As most of you know Victorious Educator Ministries (VEM) is a non-profit organization. As a non-profit entity, we are required by law to fundraise a certain percentage of our operating budget. I must confess that fundraising is way out of my comfort zone, and the same is true of our board members. We are all educators who have given our lives to serving children; asking for money makes us a bit squeamish. Hard workers we are, but entrepreneurs we are not. However, we have something else in common. We are passionate about supporting, encouraging, and equipping Christian educators. We truly believe every Christian educator is on mission and needs support as they let their light shine for Jesus in our public and private schools!
This desire and passion to serve gives us the courage to participate in the global event, Giving Tuesday. Giving Tuesday is when the whole world comes together to give back in many different ways (e.g., through acts of kindness, gifts of voice, time, talent, treasure). It’s an opportunity for people to generously support their communities and invest in causes they care about.
Currently, VEM has provided regular encouragement through social media posts, blogs, devotions, prayer journals, and periodic giveaways. In addition, the ministry has instituted a monthly prayer day and provided financial assistance to educators impacted by natural disasters. Our Facebook group has grown to over 1000 members as we continue to learn from and support each other.
We recognize there is so much more we could do as a ministry! Our next BIG project is publishing Dr. Jackie Minor’s book, Taking Jesus to School: The Fruit of the Spirit on Display. We believe this book will be transformational in the lives of educators all across this country, and we want to do everything we can to make it as accessible as possible as soon as possible. Giving Tuesday is the perfect vehicle for not only making this amazing resource visible but affordable as well!
We believe this is only the beginning, and we are excited about what God is going to do through this ministry. Please join us in championing Christian educators! Here is how you can help.
Share the following link with friends and family and ask them to consider a one-time or recurring financial donation to VEM: www.victoriouseducator.com/donate.
Consider donating yourself. God always takes what we have and multiplies it for His glory! No amount is insignificant.
NOTE: Victorious Educator Ministries is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit; all donations are tax-deductible per IRS regulations.
Volunteer to be a part of VEM. As we expand our ministry, we need assistance in various areas, including technology support, resource development, and social media management. We welcome all skill sets, and the time commitment is very flexible. If you're interested, please consider filling out the following short two-question volunteer form: https://www.victoriouseducator.com/connect.
As I said in the beginning, fundraising is something foreign to life-long educators, but we unashamedly believe in the mission of VEM. So, we are asking you to help us spread the word and prayerfully consider how God might be leading you to support this ministry.
Regardless of whether you give to VEM or not, we hope you will be part of the Giving Tuesday movement, whether it’s helping a neighbor, encouraging a colleague, advocating for an issue, sharing a skill, or giving to causes. Everyone has something to give, and every act of generosity counts. We covet your prayers and consider it an honor to serve you.