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EXERCISING OUR GIFTS: Insights from a Victorious Educator

Writer's picture: Dr. Jackie MinorDr. Jackie Minor

Victory Series: It’s Time to Share!


God is at work every day all day in our schools through the lives of Christian educators. It’s so critical for us to share what is happening with each other.  It shouldn’t be kept a secret! One of the AIMS of Victorious Educator Ministries is to encourage others by sharing how God is working in our schools. When I heard what Elaine Barnes was up to, I knew how uplifting and encouraging this would be for everyone!

Elaine is actively using her gifts to encourage others in her school.  By sharing her victory story, it is my hope that you will also be encouraged to exercise the gifts you have been given to reflect Christ in your workplace. Join me in thanking Elaine by taking a few minutes to read her story.  You won’t regret it!


Jackie:  Tell us a little about yourself, including your current teaching assignment.


Elaine:  I am a long-time resident of Sioux City, Iowa. I have taught 1st grade for the past six years.  Prior to this, I worked as a library assistant for nine years while my children were little.  I went back to school to finish my education degree so I could teach. I have a wonderful job working with 20 students and four other 1st grade teachers.


Jackie: God prompted you to do something at your school.  What was it?


Elaine: Four years ago, I started a weekly morning devotional for anyone who wanted to come. It’s a short 15 minute gathering where we read Scripture or a devotional for about 5 to 6 minutes. Sometimes the reading is related to teaching, and other times it isn’t. We then take time to pray. 


When I first started, there were maybe 3-4 of us, including myself, and sometimes just 2-3. However, over the last two years, the interest has grown significantly. As new people come, we invite them to join. I post the dates and times, and even long-term substitute teachers want to come.  Not too long ago the ADA specialist, who is not on our staff, asked to join us as well. It feels like God is really expanding the group!

Last year I started a prayer box.  I realized some wanted to attend our devotional group but due to various issues could not.  This prayer box gave them an opportunity to be prayed for.  The prayer box is locked. I am the only one with a key. People can put their name on the card or submit anonymous requests.  If we know the name, our morning group prays for them and then sends them a card letting them know they have been prayed for. 

I am discovering that people are hungry for community and need support.  Life can be challenging and everyone needs support.


Jackie: Many might consider starting a morning devotional and prayer box a pretty bold move. What gave you the confidence to do this?


Elaine: I just feel this is consistent with who I am. I grew up in the faith and try to incorporate faith into every part of my life.  In addition, I have a couple of colleagues who attend church so I felt it was a perfect opportunity for us to support and encourage each other to live out our faith at work.


Jackie: God equips us with spiritual gifts to edify the body.  How is God using your spiritual gifts at school?


Elaine: My primary spiritual gifts are teaching, leading, and encouraging. It's really amazing how God has brought four of us together to form a core group around this ministry. Each of us brings different gifts to the table. For example, one of us is a visionary, another is an organizer, one is bold and creative, and the other is steady and reliable. It's exciting to see how God has combined our gifts to serve others in our school. We all play important roles.


Jackie: How did you get started? Did you have to get approval?


Elaine: I approached the principal and shared my idea about doing a devotional. I told her what I was planning to do, and I made sure she knew it would be off-contract time. Since it is off-contract time, I wanted to be mindful of utilizing school space. I made sure to get her support.  It’s important to note that the principal knows me well.  She trusts my character and knows I would follow through. She gave me her approval, but she made sure to emphasize the gathering needed to be open to everyone and not exclusive. 

I also sought her advice on the best way to communicate with the staff.  She allowed me to post it on our TEAMS channel under the title of “Inspiration and Fun.” This has worked really well!


Jackie: What has surprised you the most? 


Elaine:  I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the use of our prayer box. Teachers who won’t attend our devotions have submitted prayer requests.  This has opened doors to some good conversations and an opportunity to build caring relationships.  Sometimes when you put something out there – like a prayer box – you don’t know if anyone will respond.  It’s nice to see someone take advantage of it!  


I have loved the variety of people who have joined our devotional group. Not everyone is in a teaching position. We have had people come who hold all different kinds of job positions at our school.


Because of the interest, we have adjusted our schedule, alternating between before and after school sessions. Each month we alternate between two Friday morning meetings and two Thursday afternoon devotionals to accommodate more people and scheduling conflicts. I’ve been surprised at the attendance, even after school!


Jackie: What have been some of your “wins?” What victories you have experienced?


Elaine:  There are several!  First, teachers are utilizing the prayer box. There is obviously a need, and it is neat to see the reason behind what God prompts you to do. Second, growth and interest are increasing.  Finally, word is spreading.  Recently, a teacher approached me for advice! You never know how God might be working in your workplace!


Jackie: What is your advice about walking the fine line between the separation of church and state? 


Elaine: Don’t shy away! Realize there is so much you can do outside of contract time. We made sure to set some norms, like ending on time. We wanted to stay true to what we said we were going to do.


I have to admit that doing this forced me to be mindful of being true to what I was saying. I have made decisions in my life that aren’t always true to who I know I am supposed to be; I know that we all have. I think that sometimes that makes us leery of doing something like this. We don’t want people to think we are hypocrites. But the truth of the matter is that’s why we all need Jesus—because we all mess up.


We are the hands and feet of Jesus.  We aren’t perfect, but we can continue to do our best as we serve others.


Jackie: What final words of wisdom do you have for the educators reading this?  


Elaine:  Find someone to do the journey with you.  Look for like-minded believers who can share in your vision. They are there!  We can accomplish so much more together as we all bring different gifts to the table.


Also, be careful not to start with the negativeWhat if it doesn’t work?  What if no one comes?  What if I make mistakes? Questions like these can prevent you from moving forward.  Trust if God is calling you to do something, there is a reason for it! Let go of the “what ifs” and believe you will figure it out.  God will bless your obedience one step at a time.


I have found that when we step out in faith, it helps our fellow Christian educators to do the same. We find out we aren’t alone, and we come bolder together.  I guarantee you will be surprised about how God has been preparing the hearts of those around you!


The Challenge


After reading Elaine’s story, you might be tempted to beat yourself up, wondering why you haven’t done something similar. Please don’t! Comparing ourselves to others only robs us of being the unique person God created us to be. We all have different gifts, circumstances, and passions. The Bible says we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them (Ephesians 2:10). The Bible also says each of us has been given gifts to serve others through His power, not our own (1 Peter 4:10-11). God provides all we need to live out our faith in the workplace and to make an impact where He has placed us.


The question is this: Are we taking advantage of all He has provided? Are we using the talents and gifts we have been given? Your answer may be a resounding “Yes!” If it is, that is awesome! You have victories to share, too! However, if the answer is “No” or even “I don’t know,” prayerfully ask God how you can exercise the gifts you’ve been given for His glory. 


Final Thoughts


I frequently say, “God wastes nothing.” God has gifted each of us with certain personalities, experiences, talents, and spiritual gifts.  In our next blog I will discuss more about spiritual gifts. In the meantime, I think it is safe to say that as believers one of our main goals should be to glorify God in serving others.  As Elaine said, teaching is hard. God wants to use you to be the hands and feet of Jesus right where you are. Don’t be reluctant to use your talents and gifts to boldly serve others. You were created in Christ Jesus for this very purpose!


If you are looking for a place to serve right now outside of your workplace just to get your feet wet, consider filling out our volunteer survey. Victorious Educator Ministries is looking to expand. We are in need of other Christians to come alongside us to serve educators across the country. Perhaps God is calling you. Please prayerfully consider taking the time to complete the survey. It is only two questions and may very well be your first step to using your gifts! You can find the link here:


Do you have a victory story to share? Let us know by emailing us at

Want to reach out to Elaine?  Contact her at:


There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit is the source of them all. There are different kinds of service, but we serve the same Lord. God works in different ways, but it is the same God who does the work in all of us. A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other.  1 Corinthians 12:4-7







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