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Writer's picture: Dr. Jackie MinorDr. Jackie Minor

Have you ever been reading a familiar passage in the Bible when suddenly you discover something you had never noticed before? It happened to me this past week, and I can’t quit thinking about the profound implication of this overlooked detail. I hope I have piqued your interest because this one small fact has the potential to significantly influence our entire school year!

Before sharing my aha moment, I want to set the stage. It was after the resurrection.  The disciples had seen Jesus a couple of times, but He wasn’t always with them like before. In Matthew 28:10 they were told to return to Galilee, and Jesus would meet them there. One day Peter decided to go fishing, and the other disciples joined him.  This isn’t surprising since fishing was their safe place, their livelihood, and a place to enjoy being with friends.  I also have to think fishing reminded them of their calling from Jesus—to be fishers of men (Matthew 4:18-22; Mark 1:16-20).

I’m sure you remember what happened.  They fished all night and caught nothing.  Jesus appeared (unrecognizable) on the shore and asked if they had any fish to which they responded, “No.” Jesus instructed them to cast their net on the right side of the boat, resulting in a miraculous haul of fish! At that moment John exclaimed, “It is the Lord!”  Peter, being the impetuous one, jumped overboard and made a beeline back to shore (John 21:3-7). Thankfully, his good friends took responsibility for dragging the fish to the shoreline!  Here is where I noticed something I had not seen before.

When they got out on land, they saw a charcoal fire in place, with fish laid out on it, and bread.  Jesus said to them, Bring some of the fish that you have just caught.” (John 21:9-10, emphasis mine).

For some reason, I always missed the fact that the meal was ALREADY prepared. Jesus didn’t need their fish!  It was as if to say, “Don’t worry, I’ve got you.” Despite this, He told them to bring what they had caught.  Why? To be honest, I’m not completely sure. I personally think it goes back to his question while they were still on the boat. “Do you have any fish?”  Sometimes we have to come to the end of our striving, recognizing efforts void of divine guidance will leave our nets empty.  Jesus wants us to trust in His provision.  He stands ready to provide, even when all our attempts “catch nothing.” When we are forced to acknowledge we have nothing of our own to offer, He invariably says, “Come and dine.”

Throughout the Gospels, Jesus is invitational.

  • Come and see. (1 John 1:39)

  • Come and learn. (Matthew 11:28-29)

  • Come and rest. (Mark 6:31)

  • Come and dine. (John 21:12)

  • Come and inherit. (Matthew 25:34-36)

Jesus is inviting you, too.  He has filled your net with skills, talents, spiritual gifts, and faith. Bring all you have to Him, even if it takes a few buddies to help you! Our obedience coupled with His provision packs a powerful punch. This combination will result in an unforgettable year! 

There are other applications we could make regarding this encounter with Jesus, but one more stands out for me as I think about a new school year.  Jesus shows up when we are going through mundane, everyday life tasks. For the disciples, He showed up on the shoreline, not the synagogue. For us, He shows up in our workplaces, not just at church. Jesus often stands on the shore, in the common places, waiting to direct and guide us. However, if we are not careful, we can end up like the disciples, grinding away, doing our best, and not recognizing who is standing on the shore. Are we looking for Him?  Are we listening? Jesus is waiting to continually “fill our nets.” He truly cares about every aspect of our lives, and we know from His words in John 15 that apart from Him, we can do nothing.

This may sound a bit strange, but I am going to challenge you to do something.  I want you to envision a place in your classroom, office, or home that could pass for a shoreline.  It might be a window ledge, a door, or even a table. Think of an object that creates a division. It also needs to be something you see regularly.   Now imagine a figure standing near the object (i.e., your personal shoreline), not completely recognizable. The details aren’t important.

Say to yourself, “It is the Lord!”  If you are a believer in Christ, the Lord is there with you through the presence of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38).  Every time you look at that place—your shoreline—remind yourself Jesus is never far away.  We can count on Him to provide for our needs and guide our every step.

Every school year has ups and downs; it is inevitable.  No one knows what to expect, but we can be assured of one thing. Jesus is there.

  • When a lesson doesn’t go well, look to your shoreline.

  • When a student tries your patience, look to your shoreline.

  • When a colleague is insensitive, look to your shoreline.

  • When your work goes unappreciated, look to your shoreline.

  • When exhaustion sets in, look to your shoreline.

Jesus is there, and He is ready, willing, and able to fill your net. Have an unforgettable school year!



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